*Panda Bear in Africa* (2024) is an animated family adventure directed by Andrew Stanton. The movie follows the heartwarming and thrilling journey of a young panda bear named Ming, who, after being accidentally transported from his natural habitat in China to the wilds of Africa, must navigate through unfamiliar territory. With the help of new animal friends, including a wise old elephant and a cheeky meerkat, Ming embarks on an epic adventure to find his way back home. Along the way, he learns valuable lessons about friendship, bravery, and the importance of embracing differences.
Voice Actors : John Boyega, Lupita Nyong'o, Emma Thompson
Director : Andrew Stanton
Release : June 2024
Country : USA
Tagline: An unexpected journey, an unforgettable adventure.
Rate: Not yet rated
Language: Hindi
Budget: est. $100 million
Revenue: TBD
Director : Andrew Stanton
Release : June 2024
Country : USA
Tagline: An unexpected journey, an unforgettable adventure.
Rate: Not yet rated
Language: Hindi
Budget: est. $100 million
Revenue: TBD
Panda Bear in Africa (2024)
Download | Quality | Language | Size |
Google Drive | 720p | Hindi | 1.2GB |